Our Work

Here are some of the challenges that the TTS has helped SMEs, start-ups and established industry players overcome.



Powerblocks are an Australian start-up developing configurable energy storage blocks like Lego blocks using smart technology and construction materials. Here, the TTS:

  • Performed a technical review of a patent for the client’s novel battery product and performed a rudimentary technical and safety risk assessment of this technology.

  • Provided technical guidance on which core features of the product should be focused on during pitching and marketing.

  • Proposed a new product development pathway based on the core potential advantages of this technology.

  • Identified new potential commercial opportunities that had not yet been considered by the client.


Watergate Pty Ltd

Watergate Pty Ltd are a start-up who have developed a novel device for converting humidity in air into electrical energy. Here, the TTS:

  • Performed an accurate characterisation of the Watergate product prototype and investigated the performance of this device.

  • Instructed on changes to the device test procedure to improve test repeatability and robustness.



Continuant, an Australian start-up, have developed unique hybrid control algorithms and hardware to provide demand response, frequency response and load flexibility capability for existing residential, commercial, and industrial equipment. Here, the TTS: 

  • Performed initial modelling to establish the performance of a novel demand-side management control system technology during best-, nominal- and worst-case conditions. This included defining important assumptions that can now be validated as the client moves up the Technology Readiness Level and Commercial Readiness Index. 

  • Conducted an initial performance comparison of the client’s product and an on-the-market technology to help evaluate the unique value proposition of the client’s technology.

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